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  • Shipping costs are being looked at but I can make no promises at this stage.
  • If you were charged for December before the pause, that will roll over into January.

There have been a lot of very understandable questions about the shipping fees for the collector cards. The international rates are extremely rough and I've asked Podium, who run the store, to explore other options. I can make zero promises at this stage but they have told me they are looking into it with their distribution partner. I will keep you all updated.

For those who have not experienced a month charging pause, or haven't since Patreon changed the system, here's how it is (meant to) work:

  • When payment is paused:
  • You will retain access to content for your current tier.
  •  Remaining days of access are frozen. If you had 13 days left, you will still have 13 days left when chapter releases resume in January.
  • If you were charged right before the pause, you'll have a month after the pause before you are charged again.

If there are any more questions, please post them in the comments and I'll get to them when I can. I'm about to head to the far north of Australia to get some writing done in the warm without the pressure of constant deadlines. I hope everyone has a great holiday season, whatever your traditions. I'm a Christmas guy, which might strike some of you as odd, but it's really about family for us. I get along with my mum a lot better than Jason does.




Enjoy your time off Shirt! Thanks for all the amazing chapters this year!


Have a great Christmas!


Have a Merry Christmas Shirt

Ira White

Have a good Christmas Shirt


Have a good holiday!


Thanks Shirtaloon. I appreciate the communication. Can't wait to see them. It would be awesome some day to have a Magic the Gathering deck. Really love the world you have created. Keep up the great work.

Kevin Anderson


Ian kirk

If we already paid does this mean we will be refunded and have to purchase it again? Cause I paid 4 USD In shipping and that’s not worth the effort of it being slightly cheaper lol


Being in a more rural area I'm used to higher shipping fees but I find a lot of people are too used to places like amazon where shipping is wayyyy cheaper than anything else. Thank you for trying to get them cheaper though 👍


Enjoy Katterland mate. Great choice places to escape to


I’m trying to upgrade my membership so I can read more of the chapters that are out that I don’t have access to, but it’s not letting me. Anyway to fix this?

Thomas Todd

So just to check since I've been charged for December I won't be charged for January?

Philipp Battenberg

Thanks for the reminder, though I didn't need it, and HUGE thanks for talking to Podium! I was already thinking of looking for others in my country to pool the orders to reduce the shipping fee to something sane, even if one adds costs for the local postal service. So, have a nice and hopefully relaxing holiday!

Philipp Battenberg

It's in regard to international shipping. Shipping to Europe costs currently 41€ so about 44.50USD. Those are cards not lead weights or glassware.

Ian kirk

I’m in the us so maybe that’s just a Europe thing then? Maybe a distribution issue

Philipp Battenberg

It's the international shipping fee. That is what people complained about and Shirt wrote about in this post. I don't think US fees will be changed. I hope the shipping fee will change to something halfway sane, but I don't really expect it. As a comparison: A few years back I bought a comic book/visual novel from the US and shipping was like 13€, if I recall correctly.

Justin Riley

How many total cards are in the set ? If I buy 1 pack will it have the full set or do I need to buy multiple?


Enjoy your holiday Shirt!!!!


Do you get all the cards in 1 pack or do you have to keep buying like MTG etc to try and get them all?


Thanks for the explanations. Happy holidays! Enjoy your writing time, and remember, Colin has been a very good boy; he deserves a Christmas special, and so do we.


Everything I've read on it details as a 10 card pack of the same 10 cards. I don't think it's a mystery pack thing


Why doesn't Jason get along with your mum?




thanks for keeping us in the loop! have a great christmas <3

David Yow

Happy holidays! Have a good break. I'll just be here binging the new audiobook.

James Reeves

Merry Christmas mate, see ya in the new year


Thanks for all the hard work this year!


Thank you for looking into the shipping cost, whatever happens. Have a wondrous time.


Anyone else charged for the month of December


I had a question regarding future series or spin-offs Shirt, would they be within the same multiverse and have the same magic system? I've looked for stories with something similar magic systems like with essences and awakening stones but always fall short on delivery


I'm not opposed to exploring spin-off content, but this series is going to be long. By the time I'm done, I imagine I'll be ready for something fresh, at least for a while.


Hearing that the series is going to be long at this point of the story is a comfort in it's own, thanks for reply Shirt. Happy Holidays


Hey Shirt is there even going to be a Steve Irwin reference or was there already one because he would be a cool Australian reference being one of the most popular there?


I really want these cards. But postage to Australia is $75. It’s $120 total for 10 cards!


Where would you recommend we buy your books? Is Amazon the best place?

Daniel McAndrew

Good to hear this is my all time fave book/audiobook ever man. So glad I found this.

Mouse Simpson

I’ve been looking to add digital copies to my collection, but Amazon doesn’t seem to carry them any longer (at least for Canada). Any other options to buy a digital copy?


Are you talking about the books? I just took a look at Canadian Amazon and saw them there. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B08WCT9W26

Mouse Simpson

Thanks for the reply and link! Turns out, it’s their app that won’t let me buy your book (pushing me to Kindle Unlimited). I suspect you get screwed over by that. Regardless, book purchases to make!