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Hi, This is Muchi.

Two days after I am writing this diary, I should be competing in a bodybuilding competition.

I have been on a diet for 4 months and have lost almost 9kg. I lost about 10% of my body weight, and my hairdresser, whom I hadn't seen in a long time, was surprised to see how skinny my face had become. I have been competing in bodybuilding competitions every year for the past few years, and this year I may have lost more body fat than usual.

While everyone was doing well with their work, the volume of their training was down, so it may just be that they have less muscle mass!

But the show is almost here. Now I will concentrate on enjoying the competition!

Incidentally, being on a strict diet inevitably reduces my libido, but this time Doujin has excited myself even under such circumstances! Please stay tuned!

I can't stop being horny, man❤


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