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Meanwhile, back at the ranch.



Daniel Powell

Talk of airships, a ready supply of hydrogen, plus whatever equipment the people who named the lair might have had? Most people without gas-detection skills would walk in, breathe normally for about a minute, feel tired for a few seconds, then pass out from hypoxia never having felt alarmed.


Who's Bluewash, again?

Random Information

I wonder if the location of Ascension is eventually revealed due to the name of the Lair. My reasoning goes as follows:- 1) Maybe some time ago adventurers came across this Lair (and named it). 2) They recorded the Lair (name and location) in some archive somewhere. 3) Most members of Ascension won't know their location that well (Near the ocean somewhere in the Bloodmarsh is not that accurate.) However they know this Lair is nearby. 4) This information could be got out of them, one way or another. I'm guessing that there will be Ascension members who will return to normal civilization, if only to trade or recruit. I don't think this will happen anytime soon however.