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An alternative POV scene that wasn't a chore. A good sign with me. The squishing with the first kill was appropriately brutal. I'm not a lover of gore or obsessed with it, but oftentimes violence works best when it's, well, violent. I'm not sure how I should feel that my joking comment ages ago about how Lavarro had to join the "Empire" because she uses "The Force" actually came to pass. I had other reasons for that guess, but still amuses me. How long ago was that planned out?


LOL, when she started stomping the imperials, I thought 'I called it, she becomes a freedom fighter against the Empire'. Then Vannon appeared, captured her and carried her off and I was like 'Dammit, Ziggy was right'. I wonder how Mariah will react to news of Potentate Vannon's new Force Mage. Maybe she can form a therapy group with Val.


Maybe I’m in the minority but i don’t care what’s happening on a continent the MCs are no longer residing on or involved in atm. I was more invested when Fecht was being built up as this big bad but he got the Snoak treatment, even worse it happened off screen.

Jac Onue

It's good world building, and also gives us an idea of what's going with those characters, so when, eventually, a confrontation with Light Breaker happens, his character doesn't feel off and such. The problem is the release frequency. With next week being a break, it's going to be 3 weeks between last chapter about Rain and the next. Not to mention there is a pretty good chance that half of next chapter will be Rain messing with his soul. And while soul stuff has become more relevant than before, it's still good in moderation, and doesn't make for a good snack after a 3 week wait.