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I reinstalled Windows. As a result, I lost my custom spellcheck entries.

Weep for me.

Also, the reinstalled versions of various programs aren't the same as the versions I had before, which broke my process. I think got it working again, but watch out for strange fonts and missing italics.

The worst part: reinstalling Windows didn't fix the problem that made me think I had to do it. Reseating my ram seems to have worked, though. Wish I'd tried that first, but it didn't present like a hardware problem...

( ̄﹏ ̄;)

Anyway, chapter!




Excellent chappy!


Loved the chapter. Thank you !


Ain't no such thing as a harmless goldplate. He should have expected it from a former dueling champion. I wonder how many silver and above awakened live far below the surface in places like Nadir and rarely ever show themselves. I mean, with how thin the essence density in Xiugaaraa is, silverplates and above should instinctively want to stay in Nadir because they feel better there.


Loved the chapter. Sorry about the computer trouble, I can commiserate, having some myself. I was on Rains side, wanted to see something happen when he unlocked all the trees! Oh well. Can't wait to see their very peaceful holiday in nadir. Nothing will go wrong, nothing at all...


What do people think will happen when he reaches his cap in essance? Will be be able to just go past it? Will be actually gain a level and a skill point? I'm kinda wondering what exactly needs upgrading in his soul to gain the extra skill point.


He will use ramscoops to go beyond. Instead of quantity he goes for quality. (His soul looks deflated) Skillpoints are tied to lvl and lvl is tied to blues/paling/system. I don't think one can system level outside the system. One can only build cores, make essence, improve body and learn skills the hard way. That is how i understand it.