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Specific to next month, it should be "Volga's Punishment Game" and "Barrell Time"

Both series will be drawn for a few pages

There will be more comics with exclusive pages (similar to the original pack with plot)

My original comic BanderDay is also preparing to restart






"Volga's Punishment Game" has been serialized on 27 pages. Actually, it was originally planned to end on page 35, but later I added a lot of content, and I plan to serialize it for a while~

In the future, I plan to change the form of some creative content. It is a bit tiring to make 10-20 versions of a pack for one composition, and it is also a bit boring for me. I hope to draw more characters, so there may be more characters later. More short stories or comics appear, so that I can draw more characters, some "climax pictures" will have more versions, but there are not as many packs as the original packs, roughly "more small packs and Comics are integrated together"

LiveAHero and Housamo may be integrated into a series of serials, or many short stories

The follow-up of BarrelTime will be the beginning of a new serial

At the same time, thank you very much for the authorization of the Nullghost and Kemo Coliseum development team and the proofreading provided by Miki for the English version.





同時非常感謝Nullghost和Kemo Coliseum開發團隊的授權以及Miki為英文版本提供的校對


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