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The reward has been sent via private message, and all the rewards for April will be sent again on May 4th. All April supporters will not miss this pack

There seems to be a bug in mega:

Please copy the link to the address bar of the browser to open it

If you click the link directly, you will be prompted to enter a password (but I did not set a password)





download link:

Apl reward(Will be removed on May 1st):




Thank you for your support. The second part of Barrell Time (2 and 3) finally ended at the end of the month. At first, I was worried that I didn’t have time to write the script but it was finished in the end. Thank you very much for the proofreading provided by 4leXal for the English version.

There are still two linearts of Barrell’s time that are not used. Whether to make the third part (4 and 5) is still being considered. Mountain and Yao’s picture package also consided  XD

Next month, I should continue to take some time to fill in the "Volga's Punishment Game", and then the other time is to draw the picture package of that character has not yet been decided. In addition, when Volga's comics reach 30 pages, P21-P30 will be released from patreon. Remove and list Gumroad, remember to save it (it will be kept for at least two weeks before deleting, and will be reminded by private message)

感謝大家的支持,巴雷爾時間的第二部分(2和3)總算在月底收工啦,一開始擔心沒有時間做劇本不過最後還是做完了,非常感謝 4leXal為英文版本提供的校對






More Ryekie/Barrel is always welcomed 😍

Gayme Guy

What’s the decryption key for the mega file?


There seems to be a bug in mega: Please copy the link to the address bar of the browser to open it If you click the link directly, you will be prompted to enter a password (but I did not set a password)