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Hi guys!

I'm going to be doing my (I guess annual) festive livestream on:

Christmas Eve, the 24th December 2020 (it's a Thursday)

I'm doing it then because of obligations I have on Christmas Day itself. However, I wanted you guys to help me decide what time to do it, as my loose grasp of this concept (time) means I usually choose weird hours of the day. All times are UK time (GMT).

Also, for those wondering - the Palace Mods are having a well-earned break. This means that usual palace rules won't apply during this stream. However, common decency still does, so please be nice!

Anyway, let me know what time works for you all! There will be drinking, lots of channel news and updates, as well as a mysterious box full of treats.

Thanks, and have a lovely week.




Can’t WAIT!! This is brightening the prospect of being completely alone for Christmas for the first time in my life. Thank you, Jim. 💜💜💜


Thank you so very much for giving us an opportunity to choose, hopefully this will mean that most will be able to see you. 💗💗💗


kool, sounds like fun, should be a blast :D


I agree with Jessie! The chance to spend some of Christmas with friends sounds so wonderful, I’ll be missing all my family so much. Thank you Jim, this means so much❤️☀️❤️


The late hours won't work for me. However, I wish you and all who join, lots of fun, a great time, a lovely break and a good, healthy, lucky and way more better year 2021 💙 💙 💙


This is great for those of us unable to be with our other families. Because we are family on here, no matter where in the world we live. Just going to be me and my gorgeous Tuxedo kitty Delilah. It's our first Christmas together.


I will spend most of that day on a train to go and see my family for the first time in months...Hopefully I can join you ( if the wifi is good), otherwise I wish you all a merry Christmas and thank you Jim for being so thoughtful!


Im by myself this Xmas, so thank you!


The two extremes either side for me as I'm still working hehe


Can't wait!!


What a wonderful, wonderful thing to do- the gift of time! I hope I can join, but if not, I hope those that can will revel in the LOVE! XOXO!


I'll be working, but I'll be with you all in spirit. Thanks for doing this Jim!


I am excited!! It always feels like a party with you! ❤️🎄💚🥰 xoxo Thanks Jim!


Like many others, I am spending this Christmas (just like I did last one) alone. This live stream is (and I say this without intending to put any pressure on you) a source of light and hope, and I thank you for it. Don’t worry, you’ll be great.

Jaye (or Gigi)

I'm really looking forward to the livestream, and don't mind it being either day. Thank you for doing this, as I'm also isolated this season and will be nice to go to a "party" of any kind!! 💖💖💖


I’m sorry I will miss the festivities. I was told I have to work all day on Christmas Eve. 😕 but I wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays. Jim, you’re the best for doing this for us. I hope your hand is better. Take care everyone! 🎄☃️


Sadly, I'll be working Christmas Eve, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to drop in at any point depending on the time that's voted on. But, I know all of us appreciate you doing this, and giving us a warm safe space to be for the holidays. All the cheers to you, Jim. 🤗💙


I too am spending the holidays alone, so am very thankful for your engagement with us. Very kind indeed.


The fact that you're holding this in the first place is really lovely. Can't wait!


Im going to sound like a broken record "but I don't care for Christmas holidays at all". But I'll do anything to spend some time with you Jim, I will take half a box of English breakfast tea (I don't like coffee, but I love EBT, I'm such an odd Mexican 😅) to get enough caffeine to stay at 2 am until 4 or 5 am with you. 😊🌻


Ah well, I'll be in work, so that rules me out 😔


Looking forward to it! Thanks Jim!


Thank you so much for making time for us. Going to juggle my schedule to see if I can make it work. Either way, I'm so glad everyone will try to be together.🥰

Joanna L Perkins

This is so exciting. I've never spent xmas with anyone (my estranged family never celebrated and my kids go to get gifts from their dads side).


Christmas Eve I’m working at my day (an honestly night) job amputating legs. I already told my coworkers I will be taking an extra long mid case pee break to peek at the live stream 😂 #priorities


Aww, I would have liked to participate, but I will be at work, if I can, I will connect. Thanks Jim!


Since spending time with my family for the holidays is being postponed until who knows when, for safety precautions, I really appreciate that this stream is happening. I’m not an active participant in any streams but I do love the content. I hope I can catch it, as I live in the EST time zone. Or at least later if the video is saved to your page. Thank you for being such a friendly, thoughtful beacon in this hard time for everyone! 🤗


Dear SJ, this is defo on the top of my list, my only other presie is my wand so I'm stoked. 😊This is gonna be so much fun I can hardly wait. For me and any of your other patrons here in the southern hemisphere, we get to spend time with you on our Christmas day so I feel doubly blessed. Thank you so much for giving us so much of your time. My family and I no longer have Christmas together and haven't for years due to distance and various health reasons. So this will be the best Christmas Ive had in a while The coolest thing about this Christmas will be the chance to spend some of it with some of the most brilliant people ever met who I'm delighted to call my friends. Hurry up Friday 😋


And that’s why you’ve unexpectedly taken ill. Oh no..the horror 🤭


I just noticed that you guys are 8 hours ahead of me, ill try and tune in from work if that's the case, should be fun anyway 😉


6:00 pm GMT/London it is, if Jim goes with the most votes? Handy time converter for y'all. 6pm GMT is: 10:00 am PST/Los Angeles 11:00 am MST/Phoenix 12:00 noon CST/Chicago 1:00 pm EST/New York 7:00 pm CET/Berlin 9:00 pm MSK/Moscow 3:00 am December 25 JST/Tokyo 5:00 am December 25 AEDT/Sydney 7:00 am December 25 NZDT/Auckland


I'm going to be working during all of these timeframes, so unfortunately I probably won't be able to make it. But Merry Christmas (Eve) to you, Jim, and to everyone else who will be celebrating! 💚❤️🎄🎀 I hope that you and everyone who's able to tune in has a wonderful time!


Cassie, thanks so much darling this is really kind of you to go to this much trouble.🤗❤


Well rats, I missed it!! Can someone help me understand how to join in a livestream? Is it done on YouTube? I am TOTALLY new to this, and would love to join in next time. ❤️


Hey, Paige - it is on YouTube. Live streams show up on the channel and you just click on it and can chat in the live feed. There were quite a few people there (~300), so not as easy to engage each other, but Jim does a good job interacting with everyone. It is now posted as a video on his channel. I am gathering from today's video, he will be doing more live streams soon. 😉


Thank you so much, Sara! That makes sense to me now. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS (and I couldn’t see a way to directly respond to you, so I hope you see this!) ❤️ and 🤗


Absolutely, Paige! I hope you had a fabulous Christmas and Happy New Year! 🤗