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im still in recovery after my surgery, but im itching to work my muscles & get movin again (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง  and what better way to work those muscles than a lil pole dancing? ;3 that's never hurt anybody, right? [thats 100% a lie i have absolutely fallen on my ass] What's your favorite way to work out? pole isnt the only fun way to burn some calories ya know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)❤



Glasses Character

Don’t know why I expected you to take it a mite easier than pole dancing. I hate exercising, but if I had to pick something I would say the weight lifting is least annoying

Dreamz the Cybericon

Usually get a pre workout drink in, blast some heavy metal music, and just go ham with either some weight training or get on some of the machines✨🌹😤


It's tame, but I like going for walks :)

Remix Kun

Love the pole dance stuff keep it up super sexy 👀🙏


Sexercise. I’ll let you guess what that entails…


Been enjoying long bike rights through the country regions here in Germany.


Usually it's slam back a preworkout, then go lift weights while listening to hard rock and metal 😁


I work delivery for Amazon, so I just go to work, lol.


I just do squats and crunches in my room. Good luck with your recovery!


Walking mostly... Hope you'll recover soon, Mel.🔥🥞❤️