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I hope u all had an amazing holiday yesterday! and for those who celebrate other things, i hope this season has been amazing for u too ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) and the holidays wrapping up means its almost the new year, which is absolutely insane to even think about and hurts my head to comprehend if im being honest but woooo 2023 how excitingggg <3 and as always im so so grateful to have ur support, science team. it's honestly the best gift i could ever ask for, so thank u for much (•‾⌣‾•)♡ Tell me what u got for christmas/how u spent ur holidays in the comments below! 



Remix Kun

Just chilled with fam hope you had a good one to mel 🙏


Been a quiet Christmas which I needed, I"m exhauted from the last 3 months. So a lot of sleep and recovery. As for gifts just clothes and money, most people don't know what to get me.


I got a car door. Spent the day with family by the pool.


I got Dungeons and Dragon books to learn how to DM. Spent the day with my dad. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.


Spent my holidays with my parents and Lil bro in my home, I got new clothes, and my parents gave a ton of money to help order new computer parts for my build which was amazing!! Looking forward to making a custom water cooled build again 😁❤️❤️


Spent my holidays with some friends working on some cosplay projects that we are gonna show off at a con in January. Got to both give and receive a body pillow as well as getting a truly cursed poster.


I had a good time with family. Got a few items for an upcoming project. Hope you had a good holiday too Mel.


I had a three day weekend (paid Holiday). SO I enjoyed the down time with games, movies, and a nice long bike right (even though it was a bit cold, but no rain, so that was a plus).


It was pretty good even though I was I'll.


A little late to comment, but one of my Christmas gifts was a pair of stands for my vr base stations. So now I can finally retire the old pizza box sitting on top of a lamp that my base station sat on before.