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Hey Cuties,

Wanted to show off some of the new anims and give updates on where we are in July.

Super stoked with the reworked anims, as they give some well needed extra juice to all our main characters movements and transitions. Plus check out that new dance ;) 

We've got our new level designer help up to speed, and helped us get some other things in order that will help us quicken things up, like a bestiary! Is that something yall would like to see? Let us know and maybe we can make it happen. 

Should have at least one or two zones done by the end of July, so maybe can sneak yall in something before then too ;) 

Please look forward to it, and as always, thanks so much for your support :) 

 - HP 




so... where can i download??? i need this


Current downloads don't have these new anims, but will do an updated version of areas 1 and 2 pretty soon with them in it :)