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Hey Cuties, 

It feels like it's been too long since a public post, and what better time then now! 

Because we are INVESTING back into more games, plus some announcements.
Shout out to @Hime_Takamura for the meme art 

1. Succubus Offensive - Sprite reworks are DONE so now we can get back to NEW stuff! Can't wait 😩 PLUS we are getting someone to help us with level design so we can get updates out even faster, and make things better overall. 

2. Succubus Survive - is our working title for a relatively small project GodoyG and I been tinkering with. It's our take on a vampire survivor / holocure type "Bullet Heaven". Took a lot of time cooking, but almost ready to show off soon ;P Hint: More pixel art! 

3. Awaken - has been the name of a project I've wanted to make for a while. Amber and I are teaming up again to start the writing and design process. It's gona be a beefy one, but we should be able to make gradually over time with a good amount of updates. I've talked about the core idea with a few people before, but I'll wait to share more once we have more to share :) Hint: Branching storylines 

4. Sapphic Sports - even further off at this point, but wanted to mention an all girl sports game we got brewing for some time in the future. Hint: Lesbians! (duh...)

All this should last us at least a year 😅 so I won't share any other ideas yet (3D, more Halloween?!?) but wanted to lay out the project roadmap publicly for anyone interested. And then can come back to this post and laugh to see how much has changed haha. 

I'll be back soon with more updates for Patrons, but until then, thanks so much for you support and can't wait to make all these amazing things!! 

 - HP 



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