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i recently finished Backbone and despite the very, very unsatisfying ending, i really liked the relationship between Howard and Larry (although the fandom is the biggest reason i ended up shipping them), so here's some sketches i did in the past few days. i promise i'll start working on the monthly winner soon!

(i also welcome any scenario with these two!)




I hoenstly really liked the game, the beginning was so good, but the aspect with the symbiote and the ending in general were such a letdown to me I still feel kinda disappointed by it :// But great art, would love to see more of that raccoon


yeah it felt very rushed and had no plot direction, it's a shame since i really liked the prologue...


Howard and and Larry had a certain warmth in each other’s company that felt so wholesome. I am glad I was not the only one who wanted to see them get together! ☺️


I was ok with the events that happened in the end but the way it was handled and presented (while losing interesting gameplay style too) was what I didn't like! In any case it's so nice to see art of these two from you!


yeah it started so good but then it felt like they lost interest and changed writers, very confusing. at least the fandom makes it much more pleasant