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monthly poll runner-up was Louis (the person actually suggested Louis and Ibuki, but i didn't want to put ships in a monthly poll) so here's something messy of them!

now i know some people hate them together, because they see Ibuki more as a father figure, and that's totally understandable. but afaik there hasn't been any confirmation, so i like to think they had something more. it might be a bit problematic, but in no way i ship them as a father and a son.




This isn't anymore "problematic" then people drawing animal genitalia on their characters, or shipping toxic relationships to fit their fanon. Or hypnosis. Like for fuck sakes, they're not even blood related. Peoples ability to discern fiction from reality is so piss poor and anyone who gives you shit for this (if there are any which i doubt anyone would) needs to go outside and touch grass


it depends on the fandom i guess. beastars is pretty popular, so of course there's people being toxic saying this and that is wrong, so i just wanna make it clear i don't think of them as father/son. until it's officially confirmed, i'll continue liking it