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Hey folks! If you're currently pledged to my Patreon, then you probably got an email this month letting you know that you weren't charged for your subscription because my page has temporarily been paused. I mentioned this would be happening in a few places, including in my last couple posts on here, but I figured I should probably explain so you know where I'm at and what to expect.

The short explanation is this: I'm moving later this month and will be in limbo for a bit, so I paused my page for November, and there's a high chance I'll need to do the same for December. Whether or not I'll be able to resume business as usual for January will depend on a few factors that I can get into down below, but I'm hopeful that this hiatus shouldn't need to go on longer than that.

While my page is paused, existing patrons won't be charged, but new people also won't be able to pledge as a one-off thing and get access to my backlog (they used to be able to, but it's no longer an option because of a somewhat baffling change to the billing system that I wasn't aware of when I switched over to the newer "Subscription Billing" system. so that's annoying). If you're already in, feel free to stay in - I'll give a bit of notice before I reactivate the page, so that you can drop out before payments resume if you need to. If you aren't currently in a paid tier, you'll have to wait til I unpause payments before you can join one.

There obviously won't be any new art posted here while the page is paused, though I WILL be trying to add things to a sketchbook over time, and that sketchbook pack will be the one that goes up the first month I'm back in business. Anything else I happen to do during that time will probably just be posted publicly.

Here's my situation in a bit more detail: I'm moving across the country in late November. However, I don't have a place lined up out there already, so I'm going to be staying with my parents for a short time while I look for apartments in a neighboring city. My parents are very religious and don't know that I do weird gay furry penis art for a living, and I don't know how much privacy I'm going to have while I'm staying with them, so I don't want to put myself in a position where I have obligations to provide art that I can't safely fulfill while I'm there. Things might be fine and I might be able to work there without issues, but I'll need to see how things play out before I can commit myself to anything. Regardless, my computer and stuff are being shipped separately and they won't arrive until sometime in early December, so I won't be able to do much until then either way, making it unlikely that I will reactivate my page any sooner than January. Most likely I'll just try and focus on securing a place to move into for January so that I can settle back into my usual routine as soon as possible, and take a much-needed art break in the meantime.

A handful of people have asked me if there's a way they can still throw money at me through some kind of tip jar while I'm not making income from Patreon or comms. On my Commiss.io profile (where I usually take my commission project submissions) there's a red button under my avatar labeled "♥ Leave a Tip", and payments there are handled via Stripe (since I try to avoid Paypal wherever possible), the same as all my commissions. Obviously it's not an obligation - I don't expect anyone to pay me for nothing, and I've been saving up to move for a while now so I'm not in any kind of dire financial situation - but if you want the option, it's there!

So yeah, that's what's up I guess. I'll make another post like this one (albeit probably much shorter) once I know for sure what the timeline for reopening my Patreon is going to look like. I appreciate your patience for the time being, as well as all of your support thus far! I hope to be back in action and posting new polls and sketchbooks and excessively labor-intensive transformation sequences soon!



Sebastian Noël

Thank you for the update but it's looking like there won't BE a Patreon to come back too post-December. Do you have any accounts on other sites where I can keep funding you post-Patreon Purge or whatevers about to happen here? Would like to keep my pledge going asap!


for what it's worth this is probably the tenth time I've seen everyone claim that the site is cracking down in adult and kink content and only like a few specific people have actually been banned, so I can't say I'm TOO terribly worried. but if things do go south for whatever reason, I'll figure out an alternative site when it happens and do my best to announce it everywhere. as long as you're in either the Patreon discord or the public art dump/announcement discord, you should have no problem keeping track of where else I set up shop in a post-Patreon scenario.