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Lanie and Vivian had plans for a fun night out at a friend's Halloween party, and got dressed up in cute matching angel and devil costumes for the occasion! Probably should have been more wary of cursed/haunted accessories though. That's basically Sexy Halloween Comic Safety 101. Still, there's no denying they're a couple of real baddies like this...


This set was voted for and funded by the contributions of my wonderful patrons. Thank you so much for your support!

There won't be a new poll for November (and possibly also December) since I've got a move upcoming and will thus be temporarily pausing pledges on my Patreon until I've gotten myself settled again. I'll make a proper post about it separately, but the short version is that you won't be charged for the months my page is paused, so feel free to stick around and I'll see you again soon!



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