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Happy Clean Off Your Desk Day, word nerds!

(It is also Word Nerd Day....and Static Electricity Day, but celebrate that how you will. Safely!)

I hope y'all have had an INCREDIBLE start to 2023! I know there's some sickness going around right now (and allergies here in Texas), so sending everyone some good, healing energy in case they need it.

As promised, I've created a very ridiculous questionnaire based off our discussion and debate last livestream! You can find it above or here. It's 13 questions in total, all corresponding to colors and vaguely related to writing bahaha.

We're less than a third through January and I've hit a couple small bumps in my new habits (I blame my period bahaha), but I'm aiming for daily-ish and am excited to see the rest of this tracker more or less completely colored in. 🖍

I will say that A Closet Full of Cauldrons is coming along swimmingly! I'm really, really excited about how easy it is to put the words on the page. Today actually marks the first day I've moved backwards to fill in some names (of characters, places, all of the things I debatably should've figured out before lolol) but that was after I already drafted over 1,000 words.

All that to say, while my tracker tells half the tale, how I'm feeling (incredible) tells the other half, and I'm still really, really excited for what's to come, what I'll write, and what I'll discover in 2023.

I'll be back with more info in a couple days on our first JanuWriMo writing hangout, but until then, please do let me know how your writing is going, and how any new goals/habits have shaped up for you once you've started putting them into practice. :)

Happy writing and see y'all soon!


Silly color questions for writerly things! 👀

Feel free to skip and not answer certain questions if none speak to you! :) (And for any word that feels like white or black to you, feel free to pick any random bright/pastel/muted/dark, I'll count them all together!)


Maariyah S.

Hey Kate and fellow patreon-ers !(is that even a word? Let's coin it haha). My theme for 2023 is FOCUS, because I was so not that last year lol. I got super sick which meant taking a year-long hiatus from writing. As someone who loves creating and being with her characters, the decision was so so painful but equally necessary, now that I look back on it. I had to take a break from the writing community, too, because seeing everyone else's progress only reminded me about my "failures". When you've been dedicated to the craft for years, having the rug essentially pulled out from under you, is very difficult to accept. SO, I'm starting out the year returning to the craft of writing by reading some books on my TBR (Story Genius is the one currently on my desk, and I'm really interested to read K.M Weiland's book on Character Arcs next, because that sounds fun!). Hopefully, I can then slowly work my way towards the R&R I got from an agent like... one and a half years ago now? I have no idea! What is time anymore? Happy January writing! xxx

Zara Hoffman

I was there for the original conversation and completely forgot to fill this out. Doing it now!