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I just really like how this one turned out visually and am suffering the sin of pride.

I'm sure I will look at it a year from now and cringe, but for now, YAY! SELF ESTEEM!




Maybe this is just a trick of perspective, but do Jay’s legs seem a little long in the third panel?

Some Ed

I'm reminded of a guy from high school. "Photoshopped" claims weren't a thing in those times, but I can imagine pictures of this guy would get that response these days. 6'8" tall, but with an average sized torso and head, so when I sat in class with him, being of the slightly tall persuasion myself, he looked a little shorter than me, rather than half a foot taller. People with different body shapes happen. Unfortunately, I've not been paying attention enough to know how proportional Jay normally is. I have been paying attention enough to know images that show it tend to be rare. Admittedly, these three all do. To my eye, they look comparable.


I do love the background effects. Except cogs would be better than ship wheels.

Servo Kamen

Looks amazing!