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Oh, like I could pass up the chance to make a Chrono Trigger reference. And I guess a Mario World reference, what with the spin jump.

For anyone not aware, Chrono Trigger was a Super Nintendo RPG in which you could have up to three characters in your party at a time, and could do Single, Double, and Triple techniques, AKA "Techs".. For example, the scientist character could set the katana-guy's sword on fire as they spin around for the Double Tech "Fire Whirl".

I assure you, it makes perfect sense, as does the Double Tech in which the healer puts a healing spell on the katana, and the katana-guy spins around to heal everyone.

I assume katana-guy, AKA Crono, got dizzy a lot.




Crono! Crono! Wake up Crono!


Ah, the spinning attach. Bane of anyone using the "Surround Them" technique.


lol those two are having fun!

Douglas Goldstein

There are two ways to avoid this problem: stare at each enemy (or friend) in turn, snapping your head to face each, as you go, OR staring at the tip of your extended sword, and focusing on keeping it moving level (or up and down, whichever).

Paul Lenoue

Let's fight anime style! You mean with comically oversized swords? No. By shouting out the names of our attacks!


Jay... er, Jack is enjoying this a little too much...


Mario Sunshine vibes are strong here

Stephen Gilberg

Sometimes I go over the games I know and think about how every one of them involves spinning in some fashion.