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"WHOOPS, my scissors slipped. Now you have UNFLATTERING BANGS!"


Look, we're having a sequence with Justin as a magic barber.

There is going to be indulgence and nonsense.



Matt R


Paul Lenoue

*Sheesh!* Put some metal tips on those and she'd have a wicked close-range whip weapon.


indulgence and nonsense are my two favorite words in the English language.

Andrew Pam

Not quite up to Entrapta's prehensile hair, but heading in that direction


You realize, of course, that we now need a Sketchbook of this version of Susan?

Stephen Gilberg

Maybe she could imitate Tiny Kong.


Your comment reminds of Lelith Hesperax's stupid hair things from 40k. She was so good at using them as weapons, they count as power weapons (which deny armor saves) on the tabletop.

Wild Card

I love the double ponytail look here

Daryl Sawyer

lol, makes me think of that episode of Love Hina where Mototko temporarily tries to give up the sword.

Jared Fattmann

Oops, scissors broke, hair's stuck that way