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The hottest Susan has ever been.



I'm having FUN.

And to share that fun...

  1. Reference to Commander Riker growing a beard in season two of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Pretty much a mandatory beard to have with Susan.
  2. Jamie Hyneman's walrus mustache from Mythbusters. And possibly also not on Mythbusters.
  3. Saruman from The Lord Of The Rings. Sauron and Saruman are basically the Sarah and Susan of Middle Earth, name-wise.
  4. A mustache similar to those found on traders in the first first Fable game. The "twader" is in reference to how I remember at least one speaking in the first game.

    Fun fact, I have a speech impediment of my own. Not that one, but I have a lot of trouble making the right "s", "sh", and "th" sounds. I can do it, sure, but if you ever hear me pause slightly before saying "sit", now you know why.
  5. The beard of some guy named Tensaided who runs a video rental shop that somehow persists.



Matt R

Susan's facial reaction basically sums up how I feel about the concept of her with a beard

Stephen Gilberg

Today I was recalling how the weird trio in "Macbeth" (and some imitations thereof) consists of women with literal beards. I never envisioned any of these on them.


My first thought on Panel 2 was Wilford Brimley - but he didn't have that chin-beard.


Is the beard the thing obscurely persisting? Because small-medium video rental shops are still doing fine. There's two very active ones in my neck of the woods (not a large town, not a small town). Lots of obscure stuff that isn't on streaming services, console games that didn't get PC releases or backwards compatibility patches, etc. We're long past the days of the big chains, but the concept of rental shops is still going to be pretty durable for at least some more years: Tensaided has something vaguely resembling job security. :V


I think the speech thing you have is called a lisp. I don't have one myself, but I've heard about it from others


I like The Fable Twader