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I can only imagine what manner of dreadful theater Diane saw. Probably involved someone dressed like a chicken being kicked.


I had wanted Rhea to say "dweeb" instead of "Diane", but this was already the most self-indulgent comic in an already self-indulgent storyline without me making it even more likely people would miss the Cheers reference.

Diane, Lucy, and Rhoda are all named after sitcom characters. There's no significance to the names chosen beyond "sitcom names I was aware of", and "I know someone named Mary, so nobody's getting named after Mary Tyler Moore". As far as I can recall, I had no point to going with sitcom names beyond my own amusement, and thinking it would be a fun bit of trivia.

When the time came to name Diane's sister, I wanted to keep the theme going, but with a bit of a twist. Wanting her sister's name to have a connection to Diane's, but not wanting to be too on the nose about it, I named Rhea after the actress who played Diane's coworker, Carla, on Cheers.

Long story short, yay convoluted Cheers reference that only people who already knew the naming history would fully appreciate. WOO SELF-INDULGENCE YAAAAY




"Thirsty customers" Clearly no second meaning here huh.


... huh. I've been reading this for, well, more years than I care to think too hard about. A sitcom naming relationship never occurred to me, till reading about it now.


Diane and Rhea look super cute in those outfits. Petition for a full-body shot of one or both down the road?


Adding my voice to it. The world needs Diane and Rhea pinup in this outfit.


And I don't even think I've heard of this sitcom. So reference totally lost on me, sorry Dan.

James C

I appreciate being able to compare Susan Lvl2 to Diane (who, presumably, mostly matches Susan's original form)

James C

And through egregious (ab)use of "Slow Time", lo, were she soon the fastest bartender in town.


Where everybody knows your name~♫ I haven't seen Cheers in forever! On a different note, shouldn't Susan be taller in that last panel?


It's nuts what 1 lvl can do, hope she has a chance to kill something & get more.


She started her adventure shorter than normal, and gains height with increased rank in Ranged Weapon skill. At level 2, she is roughly Diane's height. At level 3, she would be her normal canon height.

Stephen Gilberg

Does everybody know Susan's name in the game?


Nope. She needs to earn more quest popularity XP. (I know this is a Cheers reference, but there was an actual relevant answer, so huzzah!)

Daryl Sawyer

See, this is the kind of deep reference humor I crave. No, I didn't get the reference. I don't *care* that I didn't get the reference. I'm just glad it's there, for me to discover at a later date.