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The most powerful skill of all.


Really, there could be no other outcome.

Well, I mean, there could be, but Grace put all her points in Persuasion and Charm magic, neither of which is effective against giant skunks.

Sidenote: I've been told Morrowind didn't have level scaling. Maybe that was the problem with its level scaling? I don't know. I just know I tried it back when it was new and was not prepared for a game that open and could not get into it. Heck, I'm not even sure if I gained a level while playing it.




Grace and Carol use "Puppy Dog Eyes" ! It's... effective enough....


Kinda like getting into that vault without fusion cores...


One of my favorite builds in Fallout 4 is to go full Charisma. There's a perk with Charisma that lets you point a gun at someone and make a Charisma check to scare them into submission. At level 2, it lets you order them around like a subordinate, i.e., you can tell that raider to go attack the other raiders while you hide. IIRC there's versions of the perk for animals and the like too. Also: Luck. There's a luck per that gives you like a 5% change of instant killing any one who shoots you due to a ricochet.

Stephen Gilberg

I do find that persuasion goes a long way in "Skyrim."


Speech is actually a super-handy skill in Skyrim. Though one has to be careful not to prioritize it above other even more useful skills, like anything combat-related.


Hi, Dan. Thought I'd share a bit of Morrowind Trivia. So Morrowind largely is fixed level, no scaling of things... except where it isnt. A lot of loot is scaled to your level, and some monsters are scaled also. If you open the editor for Morrowind, theres a placeholder graphic for leveled (scaled) enemies. Well its a ninja monkey, so that led to scaled enemies being called ninja monkeys.


She needs to go back to that skunk once she figures out she CAN use Persuasion on him so she can have a cuddly wuddly super skunk to ride around on.