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EDIT - Corrected shading errors
EDIT 2 - Carol's gloves strike again

(First attachment 1920x1446 pixels, second is 1434x1080 pixels tall)

I don't know about that, Grace. Were you even one level higher, you would've gotten the glowing variant.


I consider this skunk the most "wasteland" thing we've seen thus far (or are likely to see, 'cause YIKES).

There's some fantasy in there too, though! Look! Look! A unicorn horn! That's 100% fantasy right there.

And two tails, because of course it has two tails.

Ingenious Scaling...?

After responses to the previous comic, I feel I should clarify that I've barely played any Morrowind, and very little Oblivion (though more than Morrowind), the third and fourth Elder Scrolls games. I feel this, because apparently the level scaling worked less well back in those games? I can't speak first hand to it, but it certainly sounds like there were problems.

Speaking for myself, it seemed to work pretty well in the games I've played a lot of (even if, like I said, I would make my own personal adjustments to it).




....welp. Let's go see if we can get another quest to go and level a bit before we come back here.

Jared Fattmann

That looks... at least as much like a skunk as a deathclaw looks like a chameleon. :p

Matt R

Well, that's the most disturbing creature I've seen in a while


If they got the best gear they can get for their level and haven't hit level 10 yet, then that beast should be easy. ;)


Actually, wait, if that giant skunk is like the first Deathclaw you encounter in FO4, then it is probably like level 15 at minimum right? That would still make it difficult.

Stephen Gilberg

Why was my first thought "Xenoblade Chronicles"?

Stephen Gilberg

I've barely played "Morrowind" or "Oblivion" either -- because of bugs. In "Morrowind," none of my hits connected. I was getting killed by a persistent rat. And while "Oblivion" claimed that my system met all requirements, it kept shutting down once I exited the first dungeon. Other ES games I've played also had prominent bugs, albeit less fatal.


I dunno, Skyrim has some pretty nasty scaling issues if you're not interested in either minmaxing for sheer damage output or filling your Sneak perk tree. And don't even try playing a pure mage on anything but the lowest difficulty, unless you're either really lucky or absurdly good.


wait...WHAT!?! *goes to hit up the Fallout wiki* ... *returns* O_o" I had no idea...


Reminds me a bit of Sheep-Damian, actually. Like what sheep-damian probably imagines he looks like.


My dad sucks at games (really slow reaction time, no mental mapping to controllers, no time to git gud, etc), but he plays Skyrim as a pure mage. He agreed it was brutal early on, but he mastered the hit-and-run, save scummed, and invested into summoning magics early. He's now level 60+ and generally has a small army of summons and undead do his fighting for him while he hangs back and casts various support spells as needed.


That thing looks a lot more Final Fantasy than it does Elder Scrolls. Its fitting tho since "fantasy wasteland" is a common theme in Final Fantasy.

David Fenger

I like how it's malign magnificence cannot be contained by a single panel. Very dramatic this way.


Morrowind fun fact: There actually was no level scaling whatsoever as far as I can remember from my playthroughs. If you wandered into an area you didn't have the stats for and weren't careful, you were Dead, capital D non-optional. However, because this also meant that loot was not level scaled (and not randomly generated), if you knew where the good stuff was you could get it waaaaaay before you were supposed to, like the Dragonbone Cuirass which had better stats than Daedric armor and made you immune to fire damage. *edit* as it turns out, i was actually wrong about it being completely unleveled, some creatures in areas could be leveled but for the most part creature difficulty was based on location and not your level


wait, chameleons? I thought Deathclaws were mutant crocodiles or something. (wiki) ...and apparently they're more representative of "this is why can't have nice things" than I ever imagined.


Yeah, Morrowind's combat system was a "learn to love the pain" kind of affair... It was a chance to hit system with progress in weapon skills making you more likely to hit rather than increasing the damage per hit. Magic was the same way, spells had a chance to fail that decreased as your skill in that spell's school went up. Which meant early game fights were basically stormtrooper duels between you and some random screeb bug until you got gud skrub.


Goldbrand could be had for 2000 gold and waiting a lot of days. Pretty good sword.


My favorite was probably the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide that was just in a Mage's locked cabinet and gave you 60% resist to all magic, and if you wore it as a Breton your natural magic resist stacked and gave you immunity to magic, which also let you put on the Boots of Blinding Speed without being blinded. And then just Flash-run across the countryside.