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Did they have reporters in Medieval times?  I guess most people couldn't read, so there wouldn't be much point. That, and I'm not sure kings were big on ye olde first amendment rights.


Anyone who guessed Carol would be showing up on account of there being a reporter companion in Fallout 4, give yourself a big cookie. You've earned it.

NOW! My understanding of actual town criers is that they worked for the people in charge and made announcements and such on their behalf, so this doesn't really make any sense.

HOWEVER, I'm poking fun at games in which people often misinterpret how pre-apocalypse things worked, so I say this is appropriate and clever and *I* deserve a cookie, too!

Or rather, I would if I knew what exactly a town crier was before writing this comic, which I didn't, really. I looked it up afterward. But still!



That one with the boobs

listen to what they think baseball is!!and they have ghouls who had first hand experience!! ugghhh

Stephen Gilberg

I think most news in the Middle Ages was passed by word of mouth, with all the downsides that that implies. A crier would announce the news deemed important enough, possibly riding a fast horse when it was urgent.


That's the real reason the ghouls got kicked out of Diamond City. They knew too much about how baseball actually worked.

That one with the boobs

I don't know if you're being serious, but in my FO4 delirium days, I had that thought. That the mayor hated real baseball, because he was a ROBOT.


Carol gives me great joy


Ooo, Carol? Haven't seen her in ages! I love her dress. :)


Bard were medieval news reporters

Some Ed

The first unofficial town crier stepped up to do the job he was *born* to do about an hour and a half after the first real town crier was given that job. A little over an hour of that time was taken up with the town crier learning the details of their new job, including asking questions like what their new benefits package was like. (Health insurance wasn't discussed, as this was long before health insurance, and even before doctors were associated with medical practice... or the term medical practice was a thing. Benefits discussed were more like whether the guy could get away with a bit more harassing of commoner women. Except harass was not the word used, because it wasn't applied to that behavior yet.) Disclaimer: I am not a historian.


aaand here is your cookie :D


Fun future fact: Robots hate baseball. Book it, Canon, done.


Someone should have told her to just bribe the guard. Whiterun needs to be more discretionary about who they hire as guards, cause they let my dubious character waltz right in for a few septims...

B. P.

I'm kinda on the side of the mayor here, any chance Grace gets a quest to steal Carol's bell?