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Physically, Sarah was transformed to the limit of that particular spell. Playfulness could still be elevated, however, and with Sarah's habit of absently tapping the side of her head with the wand and Grace sitting that closely, it wasn't long before both of them were very curvy and silly.

One might expect "and then Tedd walked in and was shocked" to follow this, but no. Tedd's used to this sort of nonsense by now.


When you're friends with Grace, cuddling is the default. You have to make very clear if you don't want to sit super closely on the sofa and such, as she'll sometimes move closer without really thinking about it if she's not on guard against doing so.

As some pointed out after the last comic, an issue with turning off the compass, quest markers, etc in modern games is that the quests are designed with those existing in mind. NPCs aren't going to give you clues where to go or directions most of the time. More often, they're just going to say "go to THIS location", and then you have a quest marker.

Once reminded of this, it occurred to me that when I hid quest markers and such in Skyrim, I DID still have to consult the map. There wasn't any way around it unless directed to a major city (there *are* road signs). I did similar to what Grace does here, however, and checked the map before heading off, and avoided looking at it again unless SUPER lost or done with that quest.

I would also cast a spell called Clairvoyance, which I was fine with under the circumstances while wandering across a massive wilderness map. It would basically show you one way to go that may or may not be perfect (it used automated path finding, which could be flawed), and you were doing it with magic, so I felt it was acceptable to use on occasion. I've been told it's a bad idea to save while casting it, though, as it can leave a magic trail that'll be stuck there forever, so, um... Don't do that.

Another factor in some games are dynamic quests that can wind up sending you any number of places. When you've got voice acting and randomly selected places to go, having the NPCs describe where to go would get tricky.




> "and then Tedd walked in and was shocked" More like "and then Tedd walked in, flipped to female (if he wasn't already), and joined in." Also, Clairvoyance actually uses the same navmesh that NPCs, animals, and monsters use to get around. That also explains why some of them are dreadful at navigation.

Matt R

Sarah's expression in panel 1 is something many wish would be in their direction.


And then Tedd walked in, sighed and pointed at the automatic wand tapper he built explicitly for Sarah to use.

Some Ed

Suddenly, I want to play this game. I've often seen NPCs in games have a difficult time navigating, and I've tried writing my own video game navigation and saw how ludicrously bad that was, but to actually see more or less what the computer calculates for navigation would be interesting.

Some Ed

Thanks for that tip, Dan! Now I know when I do finally get to playing this game, I'll know to always save every time I'm casting Clairvoyance!

Connie Edogawa

ok, I LOVE that form Sarah's in right now. ....kinda wish I had that wand. >.>


That wand is a good and joyous thing. :)


Breath of the Wild was quite good about being playable with the map turned off – you can hide the minimap (and almost all the UI), there are signposts, and every stable has someone who can give you directions (or at least tell you what's in any given direction). Or, at least, with the minimap turned off and quest markers not displayed on the main map.


@David Heyman Conversely, in Breath of the Wild, your Map is 100% actually on a thing that you have to pull out and is visible on your hip, you have to 'unlock' each region of the map by turning the GPS towers back on, and explains your waypointing system. ( You look 'through' a lens on the Sheikah Slate as a scope, and can drop pins from that mode.

John Trauger

I'll admit to being disappointed that the wand is at its limit. But at the same time sometimes you go that one extra size up and it just doesn't work. I always want to see though. :)


I've drawn larger a few times and generally not liked it, and I figured I should just set a limit.


Grace should - consciously or unconsciously - take on her character's appearance.

Some Ed

To be fair, this is big enough that it's pretty hard to draw realistically. Not that I can draw realistically, mind you, but it seems more or less at a limit for an awful lot of artists who can.

Some Ed

I think she already did this. But when her character's appearance is based on her appearance, this effect is pretty subtle. I mean, the only difference I can really spot is that her character has her tail out - but that's a tail Grace totally has, she just doesn't have it out right now. Having a squirrel tail makes sitting awkward. I'd give you an EGS reference on that, but I don't want to take the time for an archive dive right now... OK, fine, google fu FTW. https://egscomics.com/comic/2012-01-19. Apparently, I can't make links? I've seen other people make links recently. Anyway, this comic was absolutely crucial to the overall plot of the entirety of EGS, so shame on you for not remembering it. Either that, or you don't care about Grace being uncomfortable sitting with a tail out? OMG, that's even worse. Sigh. I'll stop trying to guess your motivation now before I cause myself to despair for all of humanity.


Oh wow, this comic was made, at least in part, in response to my comment about games sometimes being designed around quest markers?? Cool!

John Trauger

I can point to some examples of larger that I like on DeviantArt or maybe Pinterest. That said, I acknowledge where you have to choose between making it "work" and realism and realism simply has to get ignored.

John Trauger

Dan, you tend to draw what I like to see in the boob department so I trust your aesthetic choices and chosen limits.


At the [second] set of [supermutants], turn [right]