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Christmas Christmas!



It's a small thing, but I enjoy that the hues of their clothes don't match the hues of their hair. Ellen's hair is a bit of a yellowish green, and Nanase's hair is somewhat of an orange red.

The outfits, meanwhile, are red (Santa red!), and its green complement.




Baring any lewd thoughts the composition of colors works well.

Connie Edogawa

one of my favorite couples.

Matt R

Hot gals for a Christmas pinup? You shouldn't have. :)


SANTA ELLEN RETURNS! Have a Merry one, Dan, and may the current holder of Third Most Badass Santa visit us next year. (Behind Kurt Russell and the Santa from "Rise of the Guardians", natch.)


Those are some smirks =3. Nice to have Santa Ellen back (with her fidel Nanawe Elf, now?). The colors make a good contrast for each other, I think. Was it kept with the hairs?


The hair not matching the outfits exactly is how reality works. Hair is not cotton/poly... doesn't get the same dye, wouldn't soak it anyway. The only way to get close is some kind of magic... oh, wait. Right. But who'd think about matching the colors that way?

Dragon Writer Luc

I thought Ellen’s eyes were yellow now? Then again, Nanase’s eyes seemed to always be a darker green...

Dragon Writer Luc

Who’s in the background? I think I see Susan and Grace, but IDK on the second from the left.

James C

That hairstyle makes me think it's Heidi or Melissa?


Ellen's hair? Nah, it looks more like a throwback to Second Life Ellen's hairstyle. <a href="http://egscomics.com/comic/2005-01-05" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://egscomics.com/comic/2005-01-05</a>

Brett Tamahori

I think the colour scheme works really well. Nanase's outfit makes me think of Poison Ivy ... which I'm fine with because Ivy is hot as heck. :)\


While my first impression was that the far-stage-left sillouette was Susan, on second glance my brain said "Well it could also be Vladia...", which is...not super accurate. The bangs are different, but that could easily be due to updates in Dan's style, or just Vladia styling it different than last we saw her(/them?)


Bah, the page didn't nest comments at the time I responded to James C so I didn't know his comment was a response about the background figures. I'm wondering the the second from the left is maybe Tedd? the hairstyle might be based on post haircut.


Nice art! I really like colors ;)


is that a reference to the lgr christmas goblin?


.....did Ellen use her AoE spell mod on FV5? Because that is definitely the impression I am getting from the poses of the silhouttes in the background...


lazy game reviews has a character around christmas time that only says "christmas". maybe its a reference to something else that you're also referencing? uhhhhh.