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She also has gloves! And boots!

Seriously, get your carp together, Sarah.



Matt R

Also main character powers that actually keep her warm unlike Link from Breath of the Wild


"This outfit also doubles as a wetsuit. What do you mean 'Thats not how wetsuits work!'?"


Wait wait wait. Sarah is Nanase's assistant... Does that mean the SCALES are Canon to this story?!


I think it was implied they'd be canon to the lore here, but not likely to make an appearance.

Dragon Writer Luc

Nonsense! Some magic boots and a magic headband (talking about the one with a ruby) and he's all good, regardless of his chest armor!


Seems legit.

James C

Or course it isn't. For a wetsuit to keep you warm, it has to be wet - hence the name. Now, in the interests of science, I recommend we call in Shellgrace to evaluate this outfit. (Of course, it's quite clearly a one-piece swimming costume, and that's why they're looking for pirate treasure and magical fruit.)


Pffft! This is adorably silly.

Stephen Gilberg

Sarah has more complete gloves....


And likely more practical boots. OTOH, Nanase's gloves, and likely her boots as well, are much more Stylish. TGHI, they're both in a video game, or maybe a movie based on a video game, so video game generics apply. ^_^


Comic logic rule of funny. Just let it go Sarah.