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There could EASILY be a swimsuit under that dialogue balloon. You can't prove otherwise.




I'm... Actually curious about the swimsuit now. Daaaaaan! *Shake fist*


I'm down for clothing optional comics.


You can't disappoint Grace now, she looks so happy!


Have they actually gotten back in touch with you about that? I know you wanted to follow up with them about it.


Yep. They continued to be vague, asked ME to be more specific, I responded, no follow up.


*slow clap*


I understand why this is such a problem for you, and I'm hoping for some kind of happy resolution. But this? This is a hilarious way to show it. :)

Some Ed

Personally, I blame Patreon. I would prefer using a Patreon competitor who did basically the same thing as they do, except without the hangup about sex, nudity, and gender expression. But there isn't such a company of which I'm aware.

Some Ed

Just to add some clarity, I would expect that Patreon did this in response to a complaint. But the complaint they reacted to was too vague to act on. A rational company would have pushed back to the person who complained, and asserted that the person had to show specific examples of their complaint in order for it to move forward,.

John C Butler

I'm guessing gender swapping and discussions of sexuality got you flagged for "mature content." Make of that what you will.


If I get any indication that's the case, things are gonna get even more LGBTQ around here. I'm not sure how I'll actually DO that beyond more male/male things I was planning on drawing anyway, but I'll figure something out.


While all the controversy and Patreon annoyance is the main focus here, can I just say that I love your adorable and sexy squirrel girl avatar? She's one of, if not my #1 favorite NP characters.


Actually, I think I know what the problem is. Forehead slap for not thinking of it right away and instead making a joke. (Edit: To clarify me slapping my forehead for making a joking comment first before thinking of this) So, many adult creators have been running afoul of this rule against "Implied nudity" on their front pages. If they consider that to be un-allowed on main pages, then I'm betting posts that use your usual convenient censorship are considered 18+ by them.

Jon Krupp

Home is where the pants aren't. Unless you're Grace, then, it could be anywhere.


Do you have to click the "I am 18 or older" each time, or can you adjust your profile settings? Also, I think you should just keep doing what you want.


I never had to click it at all, but I can't seem to recall doing anything specific in the profile settings. Actually, I don't think there *is* anything about that in the profile settings. Huh.

Brett Tamahori

I'll admit I wouldn't be sad if you used this an excuse to a bit more naughty, but you've said your not comfortable with that and I fully respect that choice on your part, this is your space and your art. And if you respond to this by going even more LGBTQ, then why the hell not. :)


FYI - Patreon has been cracking down a lot on its content. Numerous adult games have had to change or avoid certain content, or have even had to be abandoned altogether due to Patreon rules. One creator I know had his Patreon page shut down for a week before they told him that the problem was implied nudity on his pages. I heard about another creator that got into trouble for things that other people had posted in his comments. In short, they've gone kind of nuts about anything even vaguely resembling adult content, especially certain kinds of adult content.


i figured tubetop and panties... :-) <3

Cley Faye

New line of dialogue-balloon based swimsuit merch confirmed.

Stephen Gilberg

I wonder if they'd give the same designation to "Animaniacs" if they dealt with animated shows.


does this mean we are going to see some skin moving forward? (fingers crossed)

David Fenger

It would be nice if these sorts of notices (I've had a few on DA) were accompanied by more than a pointer to some very, very general rules. You sanctioned for a reason, why not say what the reason is?


I can't stop laughing! I'm sorry this situation is giving you problems... but this comic is hilarious!


Thank you, but I don't believe this is the case. I think "implied nudity" refers more to blurring or pixelation that basically shows the nudity without TECHNICALLY showing it, event though it's super clear that's what it is to the point that, from a distance, it doesn't even look censored. I also don't believe that's it because of no specific post call outs, other Patreons being flagged without that (someone who was flagged who got in contact with me pretty much has an entirely text-based Patreon), and my not having a recent example of such a thing without having to click "load more", which means I don't think anything would get their attention.


Well, like everything, it's all about context. See the recent 40 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay: there's nudity in there, but there's nothing *sexual* about it. In-context it's just a woman who happens to be naked, and the POV character happens to be able to see her chest...and it's on Youtube. On the flip side, most of Dan's stuff that has even implied nudity or particularly revealing outfits *is* generally sexualized. Even when not sexy, it's about them being sexy and nude for the sake of being sexy and nude. So I can see why someone in Patreon might think Dan's on the "adult" side of that line. EDIT: and yes I know not "all" of Dan's stuff is inherently about the sexy. But most of it is.


I wanted to come to the Patreon site and log in just so I could give you positive support for this situation. You do you and let Paetron implode on their own. They will eventually figure it out, though we will likely be supporting you and other creators on new an more progressive sites by then. I am very much looking forward to where you take the comic in the future.


I had to come here and say... the Dan-squirrel-avatar... that is such a lovely dress and hairdo. :o I know it's not the focus, exactly, but that looks like it gives +20 elegance.


isn't grace wearing a skintight slightly off-colour suit there? that's what it looks like to me.