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The other poll has resulted in much talk of context. For that poll, I just wanted a general sort of "how shrunk do you like in general" deal, getting a general idea of generalosity (generally speaking).

This one, however, is all about context, and for this one, you can select multiple options that you like.

Using this chart again for reference for some of the options.



Clarification: is "full furry" like Disney's Robin Hood, or like literally a fox?


Robin Hood. I would just say "turned into an animal" rather than furry if the latter.


That's what I figured after I thought a little bit about it, but my immediate knee jerk was "heck yeah, Brownie squad!" so it was worth a check.


"One character growing while one or more other characters shrink" I would vote for that more than once if I could.


Like I said on the other thing, I'm more interested in the story that involves the shrinking than the shrinking itself. But I'm glad that I could vote for the "Animal features" and "Select portions of anatomy appearing to stay full-sized while the rest of them shrinks" things, because you do those really well. :)


Like I said on the other post, I prefer to see 2 chars of vastly different sizes interacting. Without a normal-sized person to provide context, there’s no real point for me.


A big person, a normal person, and a shrunk person together can be fun too.


Would love to see more fairy doll stuff potentially in comic or here.


More silly fairy tail wake ups, or maybe even seeing one of the normal sized characted petting a fairy and their tail.


"Clothes don't shrink with them" is WAY out in the lead. Lots of proponents of accidental nudity here, surprise surprise.


I like pretty much all of it, really.


Actually, in the vast majority of art and media depicting the person shrinking out of their clothes, they are left in a pile of their clothes with nothing shown. So less 'accidental nudity' and more 'implied nudity' is likely the appeal here.

L Tantivy

5% shrink + tardigrade 'furry'

John Trauger

I like watching the process of change. It's a story unto itself. A quick, sudden change supports comedic timing so both have their place.

Pouncy Silverkitten

What if you don’t care all that much about shrinking in general?


This poll is already at max length and I didn't want to devote an option to "not my cup of tea"

Joe Blue

just not vote. I'm not a fan of any of the furry options, so I didn't vote for them