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Of course Rhoda shrunk Tom and his friend down to 1/3 their normal size. Why wouldn't she?

My love of having size changes be math determined resulted in me deciding Lucy would wind up half-sized, but with a particular part of her remaining full sized. I think I would have preferred this if she just evenly shrank all around, but I didn't know that until I tried it.

In any case, BUNNY! Hop hop hoppity




I don't think Tom Tom is in this one


This is a very yummy page! So much to like! Is he blowing those fans at her in panel 1 because she's "hot"?


I like the (x 1/2 - DD) Having a greater reduction with some addition so she'd be stuck there a while would be nice too

Connie Edogawa

Lucy: "well, well, well~ if it isn't little Rhoda~. hey, have you gotten even SMALLER lately~?" Rhoda: "tell you what. I'll show you smaller~ but you're allowed to keep the one part of you I like at full size."


I've never been a real fan of shrinking, but this is a variant I think I like. :)

Stephen Gilberg

Just because they're transformed doesn't mean they're not jerks anymore.


This is quite satisfying. Thank you.

James C

Applying the Conservation of Mass? When one thing shrinks, two things have to get slightly larger...


More like squishing than shrinking, like Tedd said with the variable watches?

Merle Blue

I really like this idea of partial shrinking.