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I'm nervous about having Goonmanji 3 be all male with all sorts of gayness between the characters, as I know that would be a less popular option.

It's also something I really want to do at some point, particularly with Elliot embracing bisexual feelings and such, so part of the deal is making myself feel obligated to do it at some point.






If one or more of the guys were girls before, that would be hawt.


Hey, guy-on-guy isn't my thing but I say you do it when the time comes, I'm a grown-ass adult who will keep his pledge up. :P


Same here. I'm in favor of equal opportunity eye candy, even if it's not to my tastes. (Though Goonmanji 2 has been a lot less gay (in a girl-girl way, I mean) than I thought it would be.)


Don't be nervous, go for it. If it's what you want to make happen, then do it and enjoy it!


... If this ends with Elliot/Noah or Elliot/Tedd makeouts, then SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. 8D

Stephen Gilberg

"As a side effect, any form Queen Catalina's wand will turn a boy into a girl"? I think a word is missing.

Stephen Gilberg

I hope you're going to wait a bit before doing G3. Give us time to breathe.


I wonder where Senshi Hanma’s skirt went... :)


Dan mentions her outfit change in the commentary on the site. :)


Less popular option? Maybe, probably. Not my cup of chocolate. Who cares? GO FOR IT!


Omigosh a chance to see several of the tiny adorables as boys would be so cute. Rhoda, Catalina, maybe a return of male Sarah.


Oh and Ashley - maybe the only person as interested in sex change transformation as Tedd - needs to get turned into a boy, too.


Tell you what. Have Ashley tag along with Elliot to 'observe and offer moral support' (i.e. ogle her transformed boyfriend acting not-quite-hetero with other hot tf-ed guys) and I will support this 210%.


Please please please do an all-boy version too. I want to see all the fun transformations on hot dudes!


I'm down for an all boys version


I'd be super on board for an all boys version. Definitely an opportunity for some good bisexual fun.


Goonmanji has been going a long time (longer than I would have expected), I would personally prefer NP to have shorter storylines in general overall, regardless of what storylines they may be, if that's at all on the table (male Goonmanji 3 or no). :) I like long arcs and long storylines in the main one, but I prefer short-to-mid length NPs. Might be alone on that feeling, though. I like them as a way to see a lot of the characters that can't currently show up in the main story. Bit of a digression from the topic of "to boy only or not to boy only" (do it, of course, if you want to), but more around the topic of future NP stuff in general.


I generally prefer shorter storylines too, but Goonmanji 2 has been lengthy for several reasons, including simply going by the actual playtesting. It's mostly continuing because I've thought of some more fun to have with it and I am SUPER not ready for whatever is next yet ^^; That said, Goonmanji 3 is going to have rules that might make the game go faster? It should, anyway. I'm planning on bonus points for transforming other players as a secondary way to get points, and those points can't be lost, making it so there's actually a reason to transform people who land on your spaces.


Super excited to see all male Goonmanji. Expression of gayness does not deter, in fact I'm always hoping to see more. Like what happened with Justin's date? (It might have been addressed on patreon already, but I don't check it super often)