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Firstly, Yes, I've noticed that I need to fix the numbers on part of the board (I flipped some numbers one way instead of rotating them, and forgot that would effectively mirror them).

It's rare that I put renders in the comic itself, but the board + dice was a time sink waiting to happen. The black lines around the board and on the dice are added post-render, as are the shadows, but this will make the comics a LOT easier (and, more importantly, faster) to make.

This is particularly true because of one other thing, and this is the part where I put a minor spoiler warning before continuing.


Spoiler spoilers!

Pretty minor but still a spoiler!


Ready? Okay.

The player figures will actually look like the players (and their current forms / outfits) and move themselves around the board. Aside from being cool, this means there can be both sitting and standing shots of the players, and the figures can behave differently from the actual players (meaning they can be less subtle and more out of character even if I want a player *cough*SUSAN*cough* to be more restrained).

To the point, there will be panels in which the board will effectively be a giant floor, and THAT is a whole lot of complicated perspective that would be relatively difficult to pull off in other ways.




I really like the idea of the characters appearing on the board. :) Should make the game board more interesting, and I can't wait to see how the characters react to what their pieces are doing.