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Here's the first card for September; Tawna & Crash!

Crash was one of my big video games when I was younger. I was excited for Crash 4 nd the N-Sane trilogy remakes. I hope they make more games that aren't multiplayer.. I'd love to see both Tawna's meet, lol

The background's kinda quickly painted, but it's meant to be the Blimp ending to Crash 1.

I hope you like it!

As usual, please do not repost patreon exclusive artwork on other sites or give it to non-subscribers. I will post artwork publicly when I am ready to share it elsewhere. Thank you.


Coming up later will be the 2nd card. Following tomorrow will be the highres+PSD files and some of the sticker designs. Thank you for being patient!




Yeah boi!!


Classic Tawna will always be my favourite version!