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Hey Patrons,

So just a quick update regarding the reward letters that went out; It turns out the new $25 tier didn't actually over-fill! 

Patreon just.. duplicated a bunch of people's info and mixed it in out of order. I should have noticed, lol. I don't know if this happened with the other tiers, but it's possible.

Anyway, a bunch of you are probably gonna get duplicate letters. If you want to keep them, then that's fine, it's not really a loss. If you want to mail them back for any reason, feel free to DM me here first.

Next month I'm gonna have to scroll through the rewards checklist a little more carefully, haha. Sure would be nice if this website worked.



And a chance to get the Morgan sticker 🥲


Bless, there's a chance 🙌🏿