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I've taken some of the more useful Genesis 9 facial morphs and converted them into Genesis 2 for use in VaM.   

Located in the Morphs tab under AshAuryn/Tools/Expressions/G9

Below are some examples showing the original G2 version, and the modified version simulating the new G9 morphs.

Morph List:

AAG9 Cheek Squint L

AAG9 Cheek Squint R

AAG9 Cheek Squint

AAG9 Cheeks Hollow L

AAG9 Cheeks Hollow R

AAG9 Cheeks Hollow

AAG9 Cheeks Inflate Counter L

AAG9 Cheeks Inflate Counter R

AAG9 Cheeks Inflate Counter

AAG9 Eyes Compressed L

AAG9 Eyes Compressed R

AAG9 Eyes Compressed

AAG9 Jaw Clench L

AAG9 Jaw Clench R

AAG9 Jaw Clench

AAG9 Mouth Compress

AAG9 Mouth Corners Up Down L

AAG9 Mouth Corners Up Down R

AAG9 Mouth Corners Up Down

AAG9 Mouth Move Left

AAG9 Mouth Move Right

AAG9 Mouth Open Wide

AAG9 Mouth Open

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple 2 L

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple 2 R

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple 3 L

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple 3 R

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple L

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple R

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple2

AAG9_PART Mouth Dimple3



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