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I'm stuck in Newark tonight and don't have access to the next strip to post to Patreon because I forgot to upload it before I left, thinking I'd be back home tonight :(

So sorry for the interruption, everything should be back to normal tomorrow.



Hang in there!


Get home safe!


No worries man, stay safe and be well!


You're gonna fuck the airport, aren't you?

Gary Walker

Be careful. This is how Jersey gets residents.


Our thoughts and prayers are with you. No one wants to be stuck there...

Chris Hewson

It's all good, Jeph, no worries. Here's hoping you're not stuck for too long! Dang airports...


The only good thing that ever happened to me in Newark was seeing Eddie Vedder wandering the terminal looking lost at 7am in the airport in 2000.


I'm sorry to hear this, but I hope you make it home soon. Nothing against Newark, but frankly, being stuck there is not much fun.

Eric Lusby

Look on the bright side. You could be stuck at LaGuardia.


tell united airlines they suck balls, jeph


Well, you have a good title for a blues tune, if nothing else.


Oh man, that is harsh. I hope you got a decent hotel room at least.

Kyle Major

Hay you are a reliable man and I have gotten so much enjoyment from your art so I am willing to wait patiently for the comic however long you need and curse Newark for keeping you.


No one (literally) is upset at you, except possibly you. Well, Shelby might miss you.


Post when you can. People will get over it.


Been there, done that many, many times. You have no idea how glad I was when the various parts of my East Coast family all moved closer to Philadelphia. While we greatly appreciate your dedication and commitment, schedule hiccups really don't matter even a tiny bit. Whatever, whenever, works well!


Hanners will be holding Roko for over a day because of this. That's a bit much, and I would argue that she would want a nice, hot cup of tea and a good backrub before this is over. WINSTON!


Stuck in Newark - great title for a strip. I'll leave the details to you though.

Unanimous D

How dare you. I demand you get on a PATH train now and show me today's panel in person. I'll be waiting at 33rd street.

Chong Go

"Stuck in Newark" Wasn't that the theme of "The Warriors"? :-)

David Paul

God damn lack of teleportation devices... No worries, Jeph. You've been remarkably reliable, even when you've had the worst of times. Just take care Jeph, and apologise to Shelby with many pats and possibly a treat when you get home. Then all will be forgiven :)

Julienne Ignace

Been stuck at an airport due to delays in the past, only it was in Miami, and humidity and I don't get along very well, and I was much too drunk to do anything but head to the hotel room supplied by the airline...


Get home safe!

Scott Kenney

Escape From Newark? Sounds like a movie.

Zach Elwyn

NJ or DE ? Newark DE is a just lovely little college town.. :)

Andrew Armstrong

I was once stuck in Newark years ago - on the way back to the UK from Toronto after a Worldcon. You have my deepest sympathy There was/is a saying here that happiness is not having to go to Basingstoke unless you really want to. Presumably the same applies to Newark.


It's sounds like you are being punished already for any transgression.

Tom Carlson

Well, clearly I deserve a three and a third cent refund!


I don't believe in Heaven or Hell... but I know Newark is Purgatory.


It's okay! We still love you just as much! Stay safe.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Newark, England, is pretty much a railway station where a certain employer picks up new employees fresh from the train. I reported a rather surreal unattended package there once: a tin of spam. The policeman went and picked it up and threw it to one of his mates, and it didn't explode and I never read about a poisoning or anything, so I guess it really was a tin of spam.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

I got stuck there en route UK too, for 11 hours and 35 minutes. If it had been 12 hours, they'd have had to refund my air fare, so they found me a seat on a plane. El Al, of all airlines, flew me back to England ... and my rucksack to Tel Aviv.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeEbtiruH2Q" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeEbtiruH2Q</a> <i>Warriors</i> <br>or<br><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4MbL9GunRQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4MbL9GunRQ</a> <i>Warriors</i><br> though?


Might as well keep a few throwaway strips/images on your phone for the future. Just for Patreon folks. Just an idea.


Ouch. Newark is too harsh a punishment.

Maurice Kessler

I'm so sorry. Newark is the halfway point of my commute to/from NYC.