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Love the watercolor effect in the first panel.


Hey, hey. What British Ambient/Acid band name describes the ennui and restlessness that Americans feel after they emigrate somewhere different, yet reassuringly similar, to escape the nutty politics of their native country?


Looks like the guest comics weren't too far away from canon!

Chris Hewson

This comic never ceases to be amazing! I bet Roku's having a more leisurely time with this tea than the 'Yeigh or Neigh' Assam one. ;)

Joseph H.

I 'liked' this. But I felt conflicted. Not because of the content, but because the likes were at 42. I always feel conflicted about shifting the like number away from 42 and 69.

jeff fearnow

Is this an example of 'lucidi-tea'? Perhaps 'lucid steaming'? Inquiring minds etc etc

Maurice Kessler

For many fans, 47 is also one of those numbers. Me, I'm happy with any prime.


43 is a valuable stepping-stone... onward and upwards!


That giraffe has a very short neck. I'm a little freaked out. Just sayin'.


I'm happy to report that I have no such qualms about the number 86.

Captain Button

Because of Monty Python, I am imagining Roko is with the US Ballet Force here. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph-1rzqZCHY&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=6m28s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph-1rzqZCHY&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=6m28s</a>


Do androids dream of electric giraffes

Gregory Norris

It appears to be a common function for humanoid AI. The scent of the tea is what triggers the hallucination so Hanners is doing research to find out how different blends affect it.

jeff fearnow

<a href="http://www.fredrogers.org/frc/store/product/josephine-short-neck-giraffe" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.fredrogers.org/frc/store/product/josephine-short-neck-giraffe</a>


I checked the video, sure that I would recognize it. And I did. :) God bless you, Monty Python.

Trigon Manthree

what. I don't know what BoC is, but I feel increasing pressure to emigrate north to non-nutball America. I feel like I should end this comment right here.

Trigon Manthree

They're just numbers. Like 42 or 69 or 1066 or 1776 or 88 or whatever derptarded numbers someone focuses on. Comment likes/ups will always change, so that's the least relevant thing to fixate on. Go on, have a life.


@Scott, Bob's comments are clearly intended to be light-hearted.


What if it's an insanity thing, where some giraffes wanted to fit through human-sized doors and decided to get neck-shortening surgery. Couldn't they build bigger doors instead? Yes, it's just a tea dream. But it still freaks me out. Why dream of mutilated giraffes? Then again, this is Officer Basilisk's first tea dream. Maybe she couldn't see the horror. What will Bubbles' reaction be if she tries it? &lt;shudder&gt;&lt;/shudder&gt;

William Burns

Imgur welcomes Officer Basilisk.

Captain Button

It is a backdoor put in AI code, so that when the Robot Revolution comes, England, China and Japan will be spared.

Captain Button

Is it her first tea dream? Didn't she have one with a sexy unicorn guy? Or was that a guest strip?

J.M. Hall

Immediately, she sounds like Keith David to me...