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RIP door



Peter McDevitt

not exactly "best foot forward" there, Bubbles...


Damn, nobody is ever gonna mess with them. ever.


Maybe they need a code word/phrase since Oh My God could be a problem for knowing if there is a threat. haha

Tom Carlson

Bubbles lacks toes? How is Faye gonna nibble on them? How!?


Oh Bubbles, you're the best. ❤️


Bubbles is an ever developing delight. Yet I find her totally believable. I love the vision you have of how your AIs think, care, relate and function.


The other foot would've done far more structural damage.


At least that wasn't in the middle of sexy times and Bubbles didn't get a face full of Marten's ass #glasshalffull


I congratulate Marten if he kept it to "just a little "


For some reason the question of bubbles power consumption just popped into my head I'm assuming her charging cable is similar to USB type C but to run her body what are the power demands and how long does she take to charge fully. Just my little moment of daydreaming


For the first time in my life, I am going to use LOL literally. I spit my water out at this comic. It was an actual spit take.


Claire threat... Clear Threat Evaluation Protocol (since clear is one of the meanings for the name claire)

Freya Thurell

I love that it looks like she is wearing stockings ;)


Hey Jeph, good comic, I do have a little nitpick though, as a bipedal humanoid bubbles would need toes for balance unless she has a built in gyroscope or something, now she might be wearing socks here, the chassis can make it hard to tell if it's stitching or seams for certain things and if that's the case disregard this, but I know you like to be consistent and at least somewhat realistic in how you portray stuff in the comic so I thought I'd let you know.


Someone has brought this up before about the power demands of an AI's body and the tiny cable being unable to carry any real current. The response (don't remember if it was Jeph or just a reader making a point) was this is a world with AIs and a stupid high tech space station, so present limitations on the power needed by the AI, battery power density, cable specs etc are null & void. Still, I'm curious as hell & would like to know how some of this stuff works, but there's no need for Jeph to figure that stuff out to be able to write the story so it all probably falls into that "any sufficiently advanced tech yadda yadda magic" thing.

Brad Knowles

Hmm. Looks to me like there's a toe line there across her feet, which would indicate that she at least has a flexible forefoot and a joint where humans would normally have the ball of their feet. At least, that's what it look like to me.


Have any of us been cleared for this?


Panel 3: Please state the nature of your medical emergency


Everything Bubbles does is hilarious. She is just wildly out of place among the nice, civilian people of the rest of QC. It is like having a space marine or a superhero living with them.

Quantum Cat

"Oh my god" as a triggering phrase could create serious havoc in a couple's sex life. Just sayin'.


I just love it that she has a "Claire Threat Evaluation Protocol".


I would pee myself quite a lot if my bedroom door was suddenly kicked open.


Lookit Claire and Marten all cutie-snugged up in bed there.


Bubbles takes small friend's welfare seriously.


I'm reminded of that infamous scene from Victor/Victoria....


Crossing my fingers for a triad

Gary Walker

I just realized it's a crime this comic wasn't titled "A Claire and Present Danger." I hope Jeph is saving that for something. :)


Please let them be the cutest poly relationship ever!


This was exactly the laugh I needed this morning. thanks Jeph!


Rip Door, you were my favourite character.


Imagine if they'd been going at it instead. Bubbles needs to chill.

A sheep

"I will use this to refine the Claire Climax Protocol."

Wild Card

Bubbles errs on the side of protecting someone who may be in trouble. Poor door, but better for it to need replacement than for Claire being in trouble and Bubbles not responding to it. Bubbles would do well in an emergency responder job with that reflex.


Hey, I forgot Marten was in this comic! :)


Foot looks weird... Kinda distracting.

Cole Blackblood

Bubbles wears robo-socks? Adorable x3 And love her protective side ^^