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Click the tag "School Spirit" to read the story!

I have been told to try and not post too many "boner killers" so I included a version with just Little Lorna staring at the crowd as they are about to pounce her after the game.

Thanks for the patience with this story as I took a long break not knowing how I'm going to fill all of the pages but I remembered a story someone sent me a while back (sorry, I couldn't figure out who it was) but your comments and funny ideas for Little Lorna are of a great inspiration for me!  You guys put me to shame when it comes to dirty minds.  Lol.

There's a lot of reading in this one but I wanted to leave plenty of room in the final pages for what cums... er... COMES next!!

Have a great Sunday and Happy Canada Day (a day late)!




That hag reminds me of a enemy in The Witcher 3, named aptly…a Hag.


Also, yes, careful with the boner killers. Save the boner, not kill it.