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(To read, click the tag "School Spirit")

For some reason, I really wanted to work on "School Spirit".  Its been a while so I pinned it to the top of the feed.  I have all of the drawings for "Sex and Violence" Page 4 sketched out but we'll see if I decide to finish off this story.  I got a great idea for the second stanza. An idea that someone gave me a while back.




Rhetorical ?: Does anyone think Lorna could be hotter in any way?? Technically Holly is prettier. I’m partial to Hispanic/South American girls. But miss Lorna wins in cum production and it’s not because she’s little-er… right. (Just talking looks. Perslutality aside.)


btw no one would mind for closeups like in OG Little Lorna


I think Holly is supposed to be the prettier of the two but she’s far less consensual then Little Lorna. Anna, trailer trash but full on trashy!