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...but its SOOOOO difficult to do.  A little "inside baseball", if I'm struggling with a pose, there are ways to cheat a bit and sidestep the struggle by making an artistic decision however when drawing kissing, there isn't very much leeway.  the angles and perspective needs to be perfect especially when you want to show both of the kisser's faces!

This took me literally ALL morning to get to just this point!

Well.  Since I wasted so much time wrestling with this I might as well show it off early!



Jamie Willis

Looks like we’re seeing what I’ve wanted to see in a long time 🥵🥵🥵😍😍😍


Yeah, individual mouths have so much dynamic motion and then you have interaction that squishes the parts together. I do a lot of 3d characters and kissing is tough there as well.


wow... even in 3D its difficult? I guess regardless of the medium, two people so closely interacting is always difficult to look convincing.