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Heyo, the lil mockup stage is starting to look how it's supposed to!

I've been going back and forth with artstyles and colors for this game, but I think now I got it to a point where we can settle on it, to start working out the details.
New to this mockup image are the lil character sprite, and the interface including the portrait.
With this we have a better grasp of the characters designs too...

This image so far is one of the closest sketches for both of their designs (+ color palette).
We might still adjust those later on, but for now this is where we're at.

This is just a little evolution image for the character sprite xD
From the first rough sketch to the polished version:

Also here's some more sketches I drew along the way:

They're not necessarily representative of her final design, still wanted to share them.

For now that's all we have,




That rough sprite is so cute and goofy, I love her so... *crying*