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I've been meaning to say that ever since last month actually, when I've noticed that I've reached halfway to my first milestone goal of 100 Patrons. It feels like yesterday when I was half considering whether or not I should bother creating my Patreon page. Like most things, I thought that I was very late to join Patreon compared to other artists out there who have had their Patreon for years, the general thought that was racing through my mind was... 

Isn't it too late to join Patreon? 

Would anyone even notice me here? 

I don't have the confidence to compete with more established more experienced artists.

This was around the time when I completed my 2nd or 3rd commission after coming back into drawing again which was early this year around mid-January 2019 when I've started drawing for the first time in several years. I was quite rusty but was genuinely surprised that I haven't lost my touch after all those years. 

I've had my doubts but ended up starting Patreon in April after building some confidence over my works. It's only the beginning but I feel like I've already come a long way to get to where I am. I'm making a slow but steady progress as a freelance artist. 

A month ago I even entered an art competition for the first time, never would have attempted to enter one if it was me a year ago but thanks to everyone's support and encouragement I managed to submit my entry. I was extremely surprised when I found out I was 1st place in the contest, but really it wouldn't have been possible if I never had the confidence I gained by everyone here and on my stream, pushing me ever so slightly further to where I am now. 

I still have much to learn and improve on but I know I'll be able to reach even greater heights as an artist thanks to your support as my fans. 

Thank you so much ^^ 




Thank you Foxy for being a friend. I wish you the best of luck with the rest of 2019


You are an amazing artist and friend Foxy, we'll be here to support you every step of the way!!