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Hello Patreons!

How are you?

I wish all good!

Today we have a post from Everyday is a Hardcore Day, our little series where I talk a little with you and also let you know some things that are coming in the Hardcore Ladys!

The first little new feature is a short interactive story using Everyday is a Hardcore Day. The story is as follows:

"You are having a frightening nightmare where Hemy, Agnieszka and Hitomi are in front of you and they are not normal. They are extremely aggressive and dangerous. What will be your decisions?"

They definitely look dangerous!

From that point on we will always have polls with options of what the character will do, the result of which will change the course of this little story that will only last about 3 episodes. Then we'll switch to other characters.

It's one fun game feature.

Today I was trying to update the site, to find the better layout, to make some corrections, but what I was trying to do went wrong. So I'll need to think of another method. I want to decrease the weight of the site too.

Now about the stories to come:

-Lechoslawa's Rage Day 7: It will be a spin-off of the story Lechoslawa Strong Love, where we will see Lechoslawa crushing the two guys she talks about at the end of Strong Love Part 2

-Ultimate Rise #20- Road to Dark Tournament- Agnieskza: Let's now see how Agnieszka is preparing for the Dark Tournament. With each new chapter closer to this great event we are coming.

I hope you've been enjoying the latest stories and prepared for what's to come!

A big hug and thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my work!



Ask for mercy, which will result in an even more brutal beating by Agnieszka as a punishment for being weak.