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Hello Patreons!

Hope all is well with you.

Today I bring you the second part of the story Lechoslawa in Strong Love.

The story ended up taking longer to get ready because I had a greater dedication to it, especially to try to keep some details that end up getting lost in my process.

I'm really trying to deliver quality content because you deserve it. 

The basis of the idea for this story came from a Patreon of the Hardcore Director tier. Hope you like the second part!

The story is already on the Hardcore Ladys website, in the exclusive area of Patreons. If you didn't receive the password, didn't find it or have trouble finding the content, send me a message so I can help you!

Tomorrow I will be sending the content for the month of April, a little late but I will be sending it. Sorry for the delay.

I want to thank everyone who keeps supporting my work, I want you to know that Hardcore Ladys is only possible thanks to you and I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

A big hug to all and let's go to the next story!




I agree the look of her powerful muscle arms as they expand is electric! Is there any way we might see the destruction of the guys mentioned near the end? While Lech is the GOAT and I cherish every sighting, I most prefer to see her in destroy mode than loving mode...

Beau Barlow

How can I access the full story?