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A rough sketch I did during some free time away from home. First time trying to get down what I want her naked body to look like. I thought about a kind of slim frame on which there are more sizable accoutrements. 

Sketch is probably off balance, because I tried to make it organic and "slinky" while also drawing it profile, free hand, away from home. Don't judge me too harshly.

Not quite sold on the dog's black hair, yet. But we'll see.




Sister Madeline needs to lose her virginity and fast!!! Chasity be damned


My eyes have been blessed


Wonderful work Jay. Harking to your earlier pen and ink efforts. Thanks!


i will never not love this art style


Looks like corpse, cute zoomer furry


Yeah the musician youtuber? Cute long black haired zoomer who wears a mask?

Lord Chaos

Forgive me father for I have sinned and I'm not even Catholic.

Nicholas Kratzer

Rough sketch or not, I'm a big fan of how Madeline looks here. I'm very excited to see what you do with her.

Leo G.

I'd drop a cup size or two on her upper half, personally. But that's just me. Otherwise it looks great.


She reminds me of a more mature woman. Good hang, might not fit her but Id love to see that bust on a character


Time for the laying on of hands. 😈


I winged the boobs. We’ll see. I’m not stuck on this exact look yet.

Leo G.

Fair enough. I'm just partial to a medium to large C cup on ladies myself.


Thought that was Beth in a Nun costume for sec. My Heart skipped that second too.


Plot twist! It's a nun with a shota lmao jk xD, but seriousness really good sketches 👌