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I am working on Briar's and Cerise's character profiles, but also dealing with my PC being in repairs. I'm posting this from my phone patreon app ahdgd please enjoy their height difference and the work in progress doodles in the mean time.

Was informed today that my processor was causing the issues so they will send it to repairs and i might have to wait 2 weeks as best case scenario and 4 weeks as not so best case scenario.

So in the mean time I'll suffer and draw on my ipad. I will do my best to finish their character profiles as my goal for this month! Or try to draw an illusion or a new banner for patreon with either of them.

Will feel so naked without any of my CSP brushes on ipad CSP...oh well



Ash 🍁 Fall

aaaaaaa oh my goodness look at these attractive fellas 😍😍😍 sorry to hear about your pc 🙏🏼 hopefully it won’t be gone too long (and not too expensive either jcjwjfj) but they look great!! 🤩 excited to see more of them


I’m so in love with them!!!!! Briar lemme give u a lil smooch come here


Wow these are beautiful! Do you ever take commissions? Would love to see my OCs in your art style


They have my heart already! I can't waitttttt!!🥰


they're beautiful 😳💗💗💗 (oof about the pc repair, hope it arrives back in your care safely and soon!) 😂 omg right, I wasn't sure how to import the csp brushes onto ipad at first either 🥲 ganba! 👀 look at you bringing out that ✨Fashion✨ sees the vision!! thank you for sharing your oc world with us! 💞

I'm so gay I hate myself lol

I love how extra Cerise is and how Briar somehow manages to look amazing even next to the most extravagant femboy (actually wait do we know their pronouns/gender identity yet?)


Beautiful designs as always! And yes, hope pc comes back soon 🩷


Thank you!!😭💕 Week two and I wait for updates from repairs.... hopefully i get some news ahah


Apparently you just open the brush file ahah or just use the CSP achives to download it from their site and then it connects to the app! A bit annoying but oh well ahahah Thank youuu🥰💕