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Kamalika Ganguly

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IzlM7gM9Cks&pp=ygUYYnJ1dCBpbmRpYSBzYW0gbWFuZWtzaGF3 Brut India interview 👆

SR Kumar

Humbly wish the trademarks dont deter countries with way weaker currencies from using Hollywood personalities. I mean, if Clint Eastwood had his image trademarked, the team of Jigarthanda Double X would have had to cough up tons of money and their budget could blow up big, taking the film to a failure status even though I am hearing that the film is excellent. Or have country-based rates for trademark image usage. Just my rant of a few cents! :D

Amrita Chaudhary

Watch Pippa it is a story of this same battle when sam bahadur was the army chief. Same battle from a different point of view.