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Took me a very long time, the idea shifted into this in the end, I wasn't thinking at all to make a big picture at first, but here we are. I think it's pretty solid! As for variants I think it'll be these 3 only, let me know if you have some other ideas, but I think for onsen theme there's not much to add here idk. Anyway if you're reading this happy new years! (I'll be honest 2023 gotta be one of the worst yet, not for me personally, but globally speaking imo lol). Hopefully a better year and lots of good stuffs to come! I'll also confirm patreon is paused on january, cuz like spent half december where I couldn't do anything, so I need to catch up a bit. Now that dis sketch is done, I'll start working on Cerea very soon.  Anyway have a good one!




Ohh yes. I really like this one.


The wet towel looks fire! Happy new year!!

javamation studio

Sexy ladies, Happy new year, and can't wait to see what more art you will make.